Animations made in 3DS max
Textures made with Photoshop
Particles made in Unreal Engine 4
Meshes were provided by the teachers
Music by Fragmentality (soundcloud facebook youtube)
Animations made in 3DS max
Textures made with Photoshop
Particles made in Unreal Engine 4
Meshes were provided by the teachers
Music by Fragmentality (soundcloud facebook youtube)
The scene consist of four main particles that are all influenced by the animations.
CauldronThe cauldron has a fire below and smoke rising from the pot.
When the sword passes the kettle the laddle turns around and leaves a trail.
After some time a small power ball gets discharged.
While the sword goes up it draws power from the crystals around the scene.
BeamGiant power beam.
FallSword falls back to the earth after shooting the beam cracking the floor and breaking into pieces.